Oct 2022 - In-Person Worship Update

It is Living Hope’s desire to provide a comfortable and safe environment for all who come.  Living Hope continues to align with the CDC, state and county** guidelines.  

As we are navigating this ever-changing landscape, let’s keep in mind what Paul wrote:

“Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial.  Everything is permissible, but not everything builds up.  No one is to seek his own good, but the good of the other person.”    –1 Corin 10:23-24

At this time, masks are optional in all areas of the LHCC campus but strongly recommended, especially when indoors. Please respect the decision of others-either to wear a mask or not. When interacting with others, please be considerate of what they may need or wish (if not sure, you may ask the other what they are comfortable with). The mask is not the main thing, but our love for one another and our intent to build one another up in Christ. 

We ask that if you are symptomatic or test positive for COVID-19, to stay home until your symptoms  have cleared and to notify a pastor or church leader if you had attended a church activity within 1-3 days.

If you have had a close contact (sharing the same indoor space for 15 minutes or more) with a COVID positive person but are asymptomatic, please wear a mask when indoors.

As a reminder:

➢ Dress warmly as LHCC will be keeping doors open to maintain airflow.

Please note that the CDC recommends vaccinations and wearing masks to prevent the spread of COVID. Thank you for your patience and understanding! We are constantly in the process of evaluating the situation and trying to come up with the best guidelines for us as a church family to keep everyone safe. Feel free to speak with the pastors if you have any questions or concerns.

**Please note Santa Clara Guidelines for those who have had close contact with someone who has COVID-19:

Updated 4/15/22 – As of April 6, 2022, close contacts in most settings who have been exposed to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 who are asymptomatic are no longer required to quarantine, regardless of vaccination status.

Close contacts should still:

● Test within 3-5 days after last exposure.

● If symptoms develop, test and stay home, AND

● If test result is positive, follow isolation recommendations.

California Department of Public Health (CDPH) masking guidance also strongly recommends wearing a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days, especially in indoor settings and when near those at higher risk for severe COVID-19 disease.