
Pastor Wah Yiu Fu

Chinese SEnior Pastor

Pastor Fu is the Chinese Senior Pastor at Living Hope. He was born and grew up in Hong Kong and graduated from University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. degree in Computer Science. He was called by God to serve in vocational ministry and went to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and received a Master of Divinity. Pastor Fu is married to Alice and has two daughters, Amanda and Shannon. He served in Ann Arbor, Michigan as well as in Hong Kong for many years. He enjoys teaching the Words of God as well as helping others to grow up in the Lord spiritually.


傅華耀牧師為活望教會中文部主任牧師。他在香港出生與成長,在德州大學取得電腦學士學位。在大學期間蒙神呼召進入全職的事奉,畢業後,到了西南浸信會神學院﹝Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary﹞去接受裝備,取得道學碩士的學位 (MDiv)。與曾淑霞姊妹在神的恩典下結為夫婦,育有二位女兒,為曉恩與曉惠。曾在密歇根州安娜堡和香港牧會多年。他十分熱衷於教導神的話語和幫助人在生命上成長。